The Goddess Speaks Wisdom

The Goddess Speaks Wisdom
Photo by Yura Timoshenko / Unsplash

"I think you're headed for a breakdown,
So careful not to show it..." - Laura Branigan, Gloria

You might be feeling it, too. I don't know what it is - maybe it's my job to know, maybe I need to teach myself astrology to be "the complete witch" - but the last few days have left me feeling exhausted beyond measure without any extra brain power for anything that I really want to do. I also feel unsupported in my real life, overworked, stressed out by everything except witch business, responsible for too many things beyond my comfort, and so forth. "Frazzled" doesn't even put a patch on it.

So tonight I went to Aphrodite before Her altar, and in Her light She said these words to me:

consider that right now everything will make you unhappy, consider that in your present state you will never be able to please yourself and thus anything you make will not please you, either. consider that everything you try to do that is not rest will only frustrate you and fray your nerves even further. consider that your needs in other areas aren't being met, consider that there is already a deficit. consider that all you need is so small. so open your heart to rest, and don't make it trivial, you need deep, sustained, whole mind and whole body rest.

And I was grateful for the message, leaving an offering of chocolate hearts.

This edition of the newsletter was intended to be another foray into the past, but I am just not feeling strong enough for that, as it is one of the more pivotal moments in my life.

At least I can still commune with my Goddess. There is always the refuge of witchcraft, of being a magickal entity. This area of my life fills me with goodness, so I will pull a card for all of us here late on a Monday evening in June:

A tarot card depicting the seven of stones (pentacles) in the Gentle Tarot.
The Seven of Stones from the Gentle Tarot.

It's funny, my initial impulse says that this is like the exact opposite of rest, isn't it? But the Gentle Tarot is different in a lot of ways that matter, and looks at our progress here as if we have already completed the work.

"I enjoy the fruits of my harvest.
I allow myself to rest and reassess." - Mari in the Sky, creator, the Gentle Tarot

The Seven of Stones, rather than hastening us to finish our crop, allows us a moment to rest after all that toiling. But the card's energy wants us to disengage from our normal routine and do something different to rest our spirits. So this ends up being a message of rest and renewal, after all. And I would implore you to seek this manner of resting, too, as Aphrodite said above and as this card's message has revealed.

We are encouraged by the card to assess the quality of our life paths. If, every day we wake up and we are dragging terribly, then something needs to change. And though change is never easy, sometimes it is necessary. It is not good to dread every day as it comes. We should be welcoming these precious days for the gifts they are, rather than spending the nights before them in trepidation of what they will bring, and how much more they will exhaust us.

What is restorative for you? What restores me is usually regression. I have to have my favorite food, just so, my medicine, some animated or other well-loved show with low emotional stakes and a comfortably familiar storyline, favorite lounging clothes. Think on this and bring more of it into your days. These small pleasures that kept us happy as children often bring warm memories back to us, too.

Once we're relaxed enough, have spent time away from things, we should go deeper and examine ourselves with a closer eye: what is right in our lives? What is wrong? Are we aligned with ourselves, our purpose? And what, when resting is done, can we do to alter these parameters so that we are happier, healthier, and stronger in ourselves?

Let's let intuition guide us throughout this period of resting and self-exploration. It will be so important to our overall development and in handling difficult issues both infinitesimal and enormous.

With endless love,
