Something New, For Once

That's right, something new!

A heart written in the sand with the words "the principles of self-love with Aphrodite" in white.
The Principles of Self-Love with Aphrodite

I'll be hosting a one-hour event on Friday, 24 August 2024 at 9 PM Eastern, 6 Pacific, and 1 AM GMT. I will be calling on the phenomenal power of Aphrodite, my patron God, to facilitate a presentation on self-love and guide attendees through several things like meditation, breathing into our bodies to learn them better, a group tarot reading, journaling on questions of self-love, and even a poetry workshop!

My hopes for the event is that it will create a safe, sacred space for witches to come together and be gentle with one another, to share some of the self-love tricks Aphrodite has shown me, and to work together to form a circle of immensely strong emotion through the various activities I have planned. I'm both excited and terrified!

I have taught classes on Aphrodite before, but it was always part of another witch's program or container. Now I have created my own container where we can create a temporary coalition interested in improving our levels of self-love. This workshop will show how I moved from near-catatonic depression to a more balanced place, strictly with Aphrodite's help and guidance.

She is so generous, faithful, and kind. I have been so blessed by Her in this realm, let me tell you! I have not ever loved myself before, I'm not even sure if I liked myself. But at 45 and in my current form and shape I can tell you I love myself, put myself first more often, stand up for myself more often, everything. In every aspect I have been changed, and for the better. No, perhaps it is not that I have been changed. I have been integrated.

And that's kind of one of the goals of this little workshop I'm about to do. So if you are interested in attending, I would be beyond thrilled to see you there. I even have a coupon code (sorry, I've been dying to say that) for y'all: use TRANSMISSIONS for 25% off the ticket price!

The Principles of Self-Love with Aphrodite
An Aphrodisian healing circle will gather on Venus Day, 24 August 2024, to magnify and magnetize self-love in our lives and hearts.

I have been well since the last issue, minus some frustration with exercise - did I mention I started exercising? It is the worst part of my day, but I still do it because I need to get stronger in body to match the gains of my mind and spirit. I play fast-paced music that means something to me; that's what it takes to get me going!

Aphrodite has been my companion through it all, reminding me that I'm strong, I'm capable, I can do it, and that somehow works, too. It was during today's session that She convinced me I could, at the very least, try to see if there might be interest in the workshop. So when I was (blessedly) done on the exercise bike, I devoted my night to seeing it done.


I wanted to do a little bit of tarot for us about the current state of things, and received Justice, Major Arcana 11. (Or sometimes 8.)

Justice from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Deck

It's easy to see why Lady Justice came calling with so much going on in the global stage. She weeps. She weeps and wonders why we cannot get it, why we cannot get it together enough to get along. And that's only to make things fair and just, we can agree to disagree but leave each other alone, we can stay out of other people's business and expect that their noses stay out of ours, we can turn to love instead, which is my personal inclination, but we all can't always summon warm feelings for enemies, or for those we've been conditioned to think are enemies.

A lot of people play as if Justice is a zero sum game, there's only so much, and it only goes to the elect, the special, the elite, the 1%. That's how it appears to us, as we live our lives and point out the injustices that abound. Look at the american Supreme Court! I'm not sure it has ever lacked so much legitimacy as it does now. What a mess. Justice weeps. Justice weeps tears of gold, because it is not a zero sum game nor ever was. There is plenty of fairness for all of us to share equally. And we should all do our part to work toward that revolutionary world.

Haiti. Sudan. Palestine. The United States. So many places, so many people murdered by their states or another state, or agents of same. In the end it comes to the same thing: an abhorrent loss of life. Justice tightens her fist around the hilt of her sword until her knuckles crack - none of this should be happening!

Now there may be a sliver of hope on the horizon, we are seeing a shift in the energies at play, we may be able to see a better and fairer world in our lifetimes. We and all the people of the world deserve that. It is right and fair and good that people get to live their lives as they please, so long as they do not encroach on or abuse anyone else, have a roof over their heads, food in their bellies, education and entertainment and all the things that transmute existing into living.

Justice will find a way, even if it takes decades, centuries, or longer. Aphrodite assures me of this; one of Her most ancient spheres is politics, or rather the relationships between governments and their peoples. The scales will balance. Empires fall and reap what they've sown. Fresh ideas will cover the rich earth. And the human song will go on.

I love you all. Aphrodite is with you!