My last name is control

No, not a depression pit, not today, thank Aphrodite! This is more of a physical exhaustion pit and I have tried to shake it off all day to no avail. I had to take 2 of my 3 dogs to the groomers, and though they are dignified older ladies now they are still full of piss and vinegar and it's difficult for me to control both on my own. (They did well, got special dog-friendly muffies, and are now sleeping near me.)

But it makes me think about control and how hard it is to lose it when you try to control too much. We each have our own spheres of influence, right, we rule over our own domains in our own ways, but if we try to control more than our abilities allow, well, we almost end up on our asses in the parking lot of the groomers' salon an hour after dawn, having made a great grand fool of ourselves in the process. Who can hold more than one leash?

A person walking 5 individual dogs on leashes.
This is apparently possible. Who knew?

Over time and with practice we can develop the skill to extend our control of things and be able to handle more things at once - and that goes from the mundane to the mystical. I'm sure many of you have experienced magickal upleveling over the course of your studies and work - I myself have seen you evolve and grow bigger, stronger, more luxe, more beautiful. I have leveled up, too. And while I might fumble 2 strong, spirited dogs at once, my control over matters metaphysical has only grown broader, stronger.

I credit this to Aphrodite, of course, as I do with all the changes that have been wrought in me ever since I dedicated myself to Her during the early years of the pandemic. In some senses She takes over, augments my ability to control the mental, the magickal, the liminal, when I am not able to do that - as now - and helps to bridge the gap between completing a task and letting it linger unfinished. It is because of Her that I will have this issue out on time in accordance with the new schedule, which was spontaneously chosen to be Wednesdays (or sometimes early Tuesday mornings). Why not Fridays, Venus Days? I suppose I could switch to then, but I also have a lot of religious duties that I handle on Friday nights.

A white marble statue of Aphrodite.
The Star to my Sea, Aphrodite

Reach out. Reach out to your guides, or to your gods, or to other witches you trust, make that bond, form that connection, let intuition guide you to the right place. It is through these portals that you will learn the secrets to greater control. It takes patience, it takes time. It takes deftness, it takes an ability to dance while handling many ribbons. But it is possible, and with time, control becomes second nature.

To be clear, I am talking about control over our inner selves, our sacred lives, and all the responsibilities that are attached to us as we grow older, and of course our own magickal pools. I am not talking about control over people!

We feel better when we have a sense of control, mainly because so much about life is completely outside of our control. We can feel adrift without it, swirling around in the cosmic construct, no tether to hold us to reality. This is a reason a lot of people turn into control "freaks" - typically so much was out of our control that we now must make everything dance to our tune. But my fellow control freaks, as we well know, no single person can hold that kind of a symphony in thrall for very long. It's just too much, and it can sour our hearts. This is an opportunity and an invitation to explore letting things go, if we find ourselves in this desperate place.

One way to lose control is through the power of the Ace of Wands:

The Ace of Wands from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot deck.
The Ace of Wands

And that is because the power of it is so fiery and strong, you might say it has quite a kick. The message from Aphrodite is this: control is all fine and well, when practical matters of life must be taken care of. But there is a whole wide world beyond that, a world ripe with succulent pleasures, and it is that world where you should channel the force of the Ace of Wands and lose control. Yes, lose it. Let all that weight go, sometimes. Get distracted by your passions. Invite new loves into your lives. Remember that they do not have to be human to be loves. Encourage yourself to sup deeply of all the dishes of the earth, and drink as if your thirst will never end. Taste. Touch. Smell. You are given these senses for a reason, so live through them.

This wand bursts out with life and power. Incorporate these into your daily workings. Draw upon the Ace when your tanks are low and inspiration is scarce. Call upon the Ace when you have a terrible case of the blahs, or the waters of Lethe have stolen your mind. Do every physical thing, take pleasure in your mortal body, its glimmers and its aches. Pleasure in all things. Be enticed by the delights on display, then record your experiences later so you can return, again and again, and say to yourself: I did that. I had that. I felt that. And I was satisfied...

Layer that love on you, like fine oils and scented creams. And welcome in newness, excitement, vigor. It's a time for your creativity to burgeon, for your own fields to bear fruit.


On Friday, 24 August 2024, at 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific / 1 AM GMT, I am hosting my very first event: The Principles of Self Love with Aphrodite. I have so many fun things planned. It's going to be a nurturing, safe, and sacred space for people who attend where we can meet each other on an intimate level and co-create a beautiful experience.

Newsletter subscribers get 25% the $25 ticket price with coupon code TRANSMISSIONS. I would love to see you there!

The Principles of Self-Love with Aphrodite
An Aphrodisian healing circle will gather on Venus Day, 24 August 2024, to magnify and magnetize self-love in our lives and hearts.

In Aphrodite's golden name,