Infectious excitement

Infectious excitement
Photo by Anil Xavier / Unsplash

I have a confession.

I adore when other people are happy. I know, I know, quite often I seem to have resting grim face, but that's just my autistic flat affect. Tonight I'm feeling strangely energized by other people celebrating themselves and each other and you know what? All my problems seemed to melt into nothing - and whew do I have problems! They will be there when the associated brain chemical wears off, I know, but for now, it's bliss and I wanted to share that with you.

I think I came out last month about doing political magick. Probably others do too, I am certainly not the only one to apply magick to this thorny topic. If I had to, and I never really like to, I would probably place myself as an antifascist anarcho-communist, which sounds weird and probably scary to folks who've been indoctrinated to fear those things, but what it comes down to is this: I want a better world for everyone. I want people to be fed. I want total parity between all genders. I want people to be housed. I want people to have jobs if they want them. I want universal basic income that covers the cost of living. I want free education and I want community driven support for families and I want people to be able to devote their lives to more than just a paycheck. I want people to worship as they choose and then not force me to worship as they choose, too. I want full bodily autonomy, not just a "choice." I want land given back to its Indigenous stewards and reparations for Black folks. I want freedom.

Aphrodite, as the ultimate source of love and connection, was known to sometimes look over politics because they serve as a way we mortals connect to govern ourselves. This is a recent discovery for me, learned when I was preparing a presentation for a beloved friend's class, that Aphrodite was often prayed to for Her influence in politics. And of course there's that little ol' business with the Trojan War. Regardless, political magick is something I've felt called to since I realized I could channel these feelings and forces through Aphrodite into meaningful change.

A political spell in action.

For this particular spell, I worked with Aphrodite Skotia, Aphrodite of the Darkness, the Shadow Aphrodite that few people know of. Even I was surprised when I discovered this aspect of Her during my years-long, continuous study of Her history and ways. I invoked Skotia because the things I wanted with this spell were dire, divorced from kindness and life. Skotia took the candle hungrily; usually these spells last a couple of hours and this was done before a half-hour had passed.

Two days later, literally everything in the so-called United States political scene pops off. Trump almost gets shot, Joe Biden steps down to make way for Kamala Harris on the Democratic ticket, and we've since learned that JD Vance is literally the most unlikeable motherfucker living under Sol. It's been quite a lot! I've been having a good time watching the regressives fumble every little single thing that comes their way, and I've never seen the Democratic Party more energized.

I try to build coalitions with the people who are moving toward my above-stated goals for folks. The Democratic Party is nowhere near close to meeting all of my needs, but they do come the closest. I don't know if we could achieve what I want without rebuilding the entire system. And a lot of people say it must and should come down. Make no mistake, you cannot trust a politician. I'm just cynical enough to know that, but not cynical enough to resist infectious joy from people feeling like they have a chance again.

That's what I saw at the Democratic National Convention tonight. People just sick and tired of others being indecent and awful. People being proud of their states' quirks and qualities. People whose eyes sparkled for the first time in they don't even remember how long. People who love their families and want to do right by them. People who are invested in making things better for everyone. People who have given their lives to the unending, imperfect project that we've inherited.

Oh, I've felt deep despair over it all, we've put on such a uniquely American shitshow these past several years, but tonight, for the first time since early 2008, I felt a little smidge of hope. And I can't argue with that. I want you, too, to feel that hope, to feel that warmth, the togetherness generated by people of common cause and just hearts. I somehow managed to draw off a lot of the energy through streaming it, and it coalesced into this newsletter. Normally I do not speak on politics, and I'm dreadfully sorry to have done so this one time!

My name's J and I'm special.

I can (and regularly do) press my Democratic congresscritters with positive results. I cannot do that with their Republican counterparts, not even on a state-level. So I guess the roundabout point of all this is: even if you are the most unique tropical bird with outrageous colored feathers in a political sense, you can still mingle with the sparrows of the party you're closest to in ideology and action. You can still bring your issues to the table. You can have a voice even if you, like me, don't have a political party you can call home.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama really stole the night away when she said "Do Something." It was a call-and-response with the audience and it was magnificent. But it's a good lesson, both in life and in the arena of politics. Do something, do something. There are so many things to do! I asked my tarot deck, what should we do? Where should we start?

Beloved readers, the answer was the Queen of Swords.

The Queen of Swords

Aphrodite's message is this: there is a great battle coming and this you know, but you are invited to explore stoicism and grace as you navigate the coming weeks and months. Don't be afraid of who you are, and don't be afraid to share that with other people. Be yourself. Love yourself. Soothe the pain inside as best you can with all the tools you can bring to bear. Spare nothing in meeting and exceeding your needs. A well-nourished leader is a smart leader, practical and mentally sharp, ready to wield a sword on behalf of your people.

Take the wings of the Queen of Swords and fly through your sky, inspire other fliers, be the very best you can be. Be precise and focused and have your shit together. And if you don't have your shit together, pretend. It's okay. It's okay. You are valued, beloved of the Gods. Do something? Step up! Get involved with the ruling of your realm. Get your hands in it, but do it well. Organize your people. Write letters. Talk about the issues that matter to you to the people you love. Phone bank. Send out mailers. Make art. Write articles. Canvass your neighborhood. Make connections with your neighbors. If you do not like your national candidates get involved in it locally. Make something happen with your own special magick. Run for office yourself!

Build. That. Kingdom. Be as keen as the edge of a finely forged sword and be as cutting, when the situation requires it. Be guarded. Keep safe. Punch nazis. Walk tall and in confidence that you are divinely blessed and divinely protected. Spend time with the ones you love and tell them that you love them. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you love you. Hold your head up high; you are beautiful, you are strong, you are resilient, you have survived so much and yet here you still are! Reigning from your throne in the sky!

Praise Aphrodite!


The Principles of Self-Love with Aphrodite
An Aphrodisian healing circle will gather on Venus Day, 23 August 2024, to magnify and magnetize self-love in our lives and hearts.

Newsletter subscribers get 25% off my special, one-time event to inspire and explore self-love with code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout! It's going to be a lovely little affair with meditation, focused breathing into the body, revelations on the global self-love drought and what we can do to combat it, the methods Aphrodite has helped me with, journaling, a group tarot reading, and more! THIS FRIDAY at 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific / 1 AM GMT.

I would so love it if you could attend, but if you buy a ticket and cannot make it, the recording of the event will be emailed to you!

In Her name and with Her love,