~Be still and know I love you~

she doesn't want strife she doesn't want wrong, not now not yet not in this situation she wants harmony and beauty and the knowledge of each other as intimate as skin to skin contact

she wants the beauty of union and craves it and needs it more than you might know, more than ambrosia, more than the food of the gods, it feeds Her body like slow amber trickling in and hardening inside Her and She pronounces it Good She likes the way it feels within Her immortal flesh

O child what I could give to you, She murmurs, passing Her hand over your touseled head. where She touches you, you feel cool, refreshed, as if you've had more than adequate sleep and the very best food, your favorite dishes, prepared just as you like. these are comparative small pleasures but they send your blood racing as She observes you.

Be still and know that I love you.

Be still



Breathe, two, three, four, still.

Out, two, three, four, still.

Repeat until you feel Me with you.

There you are. See how we are melded, across time and distance and space?

Nothing separates us but the borders your mortal mind erects out of fear.

Come to me now, and receive all that I have for you.

She is shining and impossible to see except for the outline of arms reaching for you. Her shining arms open to you and Her embrace is everything.

Rest here, now. Be with Me always.

You will find sanctuary in togetherness with other mortals, other beings, and feel fulfilled for it. You will know a truth that few can manage to comprehend. For we are all connected and the strife comes when we are separated. Yes. Yes. It should never be so. We need to be sealed to you as much as you need to be sealed to Us. In love and fear We were born and We need love to continue. Many of Us have moved beyond fear. There is a deep ache for love.

Come to Me and understand that Love is more expansive than you could possibly know. Love will have you groveling on your knees for someone in your past and love will have you performing strange antics on social media to catch the eye of the one you want. Fly with it. Fly. And in that flight know I am with you.