A long time...

A marble statue of Aphrodite in a museum.
Photo by Stephanie Klepacki / Unsplash

...but not an idle time.

Aphrodite has been firmly gentle with me as I discover a whole new world of self-love and acceptance of my mind and body and spirit as three distinct threads. These fine threads are braided into a cord that keeps me tethered to the world. And there have been many changes with how I engage with that world.

Firstly, you'll likely notice the theme has changed from Lovers' Roses to Sea + Star. This did not come lightly, because it has been a lot of work to get everything in place! But Aphrodite sent a strong message through the tarot, encouraging me to make this change. About a week ago I had a profound experience with Her through the Goddess of Love Tarot. I pulled Judgement, and came to know that She wanted me to prepare for a rebirth, that it was time for something new.

Hands holding a seashell and pearls.

I also have completely divested from the Divinely Poetic branding that I have used for several years. Instead, I am and will be known as the Oracle J, as simple as that. She helped me to understand that I have to lead my work, I have to take point, I have to be the sovereign She wants me to be. I am happy with this because it feels like I'm taking a strong initiative in Her name, to please Her. And this, of course, is a major goal of mine.

Late last year in middle Autumn, a heavy depression took its toll and I actually felt completely disconnected from tarot, which is my primary modality of magick. What this taught me, at least afterward, is that I need to develop more modalities, more ways to share what I am and what I know. In this vein, I taught two different classes about Aphrodite for some dear friends, and while I think I have a lot of improvement to do as far as creating and teaching engaging material, it was still my great pleasure and deep honor to do this. Moreover, I had fun, and Aphrodite is always after me to let my hair down and have more fun.

Her message today is simple: invest in each other, strengthen your bonds, for much is to come and all is uncertain, the future is a floor of jell-o. The Two of Cups comes again and again to reinforce this message. Aphrodite needs us to be shoring up relationships of all stripes: relationships with the universe, the Gods you worship, your Spirit team, your exalted ancestors, your friends, your chosen family, your partner or partners, your pets. All relationships, all the time, they must be infused with love and hope and a sense of togetherness that feeds the soul.

The two of cups from a tarot deck called Golden Art Nouveau.
The Two of Cups from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot deck.

Don't stop at close relationships, either, when She says all, She means all. Consider the relationships we have with our mail and delivery people, doctors, authors, makers, creators, politicians, the people who are in charge in our towns and cities. Quite often we neglect those relationships because it's easy to do it, but solid relationships with these entities can lead to better communities and better lives for us all. Communicate. Develop the bond, nurture it. Bend the arc toward the positive, toward the mutually beneficial.

Life is hard right now, all around the world - I get it! And I promise you will be edified, lifted up, by stronger relationships. Humanity only got somewhere because we worked together to do it. People of good heart and shining soul have a huge job of work ahead of us, vital healing work that must be done. Let this be done in the tender presence of those who love us, who will ensure our care when the work gets difficult, as it sometimes does. Reach out, then, She insists, reach out to that friend you miss, that lover you long for, that influencer who really had a positive effect on your life. It matters. Aphrodite reiterates: it matters.

And work on self-love. It has done wonders for me and my ability to foster better relationships. Now if only I can get this bipolar rollercoaster in check... 😉

Until next time, beloveds, I wish you all the love and truth and alignment in the world.

In Aphrodite's sweet name,

The Oracle J